Thursday, 5 March 2015


Good afternoon,

My thoughts on honesty.
I think we are all faced with this at some point in our lives, we mask a tail as a "white lie".
No matter how small and innocent it may seem, it is still a lie. She might brush it off, but she will remember. Insignificant and unimportant as it is for you with reason has a negeative impact on the submissive.

Is it because it's not that important so we justify our reasoning by,

"It's okay, it won't hurt you"?. "Therefor I won't tell you".
"It's not that serious"?. "So forget about it".
"She doesn't have to know"?. "Why tell her''?

It's not fare, and as a Dominant, how could you ever expect to get honesty in return if you yourself are not. Our lessons and actions have an extremely deep impact on our submissives that's why we are here. Remember they are here for us as We are for them. Take pride in who you are and watch your actions, because the student will take on the reasoning and doings of their teacher.
Speak openly, speak freely for honesty today can only build a better tomorrow.

Dominant Master

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


Good evening,

Another day is done, and a lesson on communication is what's on My mind.

As a Dominant figure we tend to forget who we are and what we mean to our submissives.
We all have our busy lives and hectic schedules and time can be a killer.
Over the past week I have been busy, even I have fallen to this.

Our submissives complete us as Dominants, it's Ying & Yang.
One can't begin to imagine how much you can lose through none communication.
Your lessons, Your guidence even to a certain extent, her submission.
She'll feels lost, abandoned, she'll act out and do things for your attention that wouldn't normally happen.

The lessons of being a better Dominant, recognizing and fixing ones own problems makes for a better person I say.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

                                                             My Dominance.

I have been in this lifestyle for a little over two years now, I know it sounds like a little.
As it stands I have thrown Myself completely into this weird and wonderful lifestyle known as BDSM..

I love it, I love it, I breath it.

We all start at a point in our life journey, just like I have.
There's been great days and there's been really bad ones too, but that's how we learn and grow.
Especially to be a True Dominant figure...

It's so much to uphold, so many rules so many things to remember, but to be The Dominant, you have to act like The Dominant and Be The Dominant.
We cherish, We guide, We protect, We nurture, We give strength, We love..
And yes We punish too, for the soul purpose of a better outcome and make you our submissive.

Your submission is My gift, I will look after it. As it doesn't come cheap.

Which brings Me to My present story.
I am a Grand Master in training and this is doesn't come easy, as in life anything great never is.
Enjoying the long hours, but I will get to MyMastery.

The Dominant Master.